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Christmas Christmas has always been my favorite time of year.  Even after going through the worst periods of my life, both of which occured during the Christnas season. While the thought of getting gifts is exciting, giving gifts is what has always excited me more. Especially when I am 100 % sure the recipient will absolutely LOVE what I got for them. In those cases it has always been very hard for me not to tell them beforehand. My family jokes about how I was so excited about my gift to my Mother that I said, "I can't tell you what we got you for Christmas, but they're black and there's one for each ear!" I was so little then, but I still struggle with trying to keep secrets about positive surprises and gifts. Seeing the recipient's reaction has always made me feel great. When I had children, I did my best to instill the spirit of giving in their hearts. I would help them pick out gifts when they were toddlers and they always participated in Santa&

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